









21-23 CDA

24-27 BAAD

28-31 BBDC

32-35 CCBA


36-40 GDEAB


41-45 BCADD

46-50 CABDA

51-55 BACBC


56. contributing

57. to create

58. an

59. provided

60. to

61. complexes

62. less important

63. connected

64. widely

65. which


阅读理解AB篇难度适中,C篇难度中上,D篇难度较大,其中32题需要深刻理解文中关于机会成本的论述才能准确作答;33题要明白作者提及 David 观察的意图,对学生的推理能力有较高要求;34题要根据文章主旨推断出作者建议读者采取的行动方式,容易因对文章整体把握不足而选错;35题需要综合全文内容来确定最合适的标题,对文章的概括能力要求较高。七选五文章结构清晰,总体容易,第37题有一定难度。完形填空难度不高。语法填空难度中等,57,62题易错。



21-23 CDA

24-27 BAAD

28-31 BBDC

32-35 CCBA

A篇讲述了Point Reyes 国家海岸的冬季野生动物讲解员项目(WWDP)介绍了其提升海洋生物保护意识等目标、工作时间安排、培训要求、所需技能经验、申请方式等内容,旨在招募合适的讲解员。

B篇讲述了Stephanie Laska 因肥胖在 40 多岁决定改变生活方式,从简单饮食调整到逐步增加运动量,成功减重并在跑步上取得成绩,强调小决定能带来大改变。

C篇主要介绍了昆虫科学家 Emily Bick 为应对农业害虫问题,在玉米地研究利用昆虫咀嚼植物产生的震动来检测害虫的方法,其发明的昆虫窃听器有较高准确率且前景可观。




第21 题 C 原文提到“Docents are expected to volunteer a season - minimum of eight days, at least two days per month.”,这表明讲解员每个月至少工作两天,一个季节至少工作八天。又因为“WWDP workdays are scheduled for six hours on weekdays and weekends (10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m)”,即每天工作 6 小时。所以一个季节最少工作的时长为 8 天×6 小时/天 = 48 小时。

第22题 D 文中“Docents must possess very good oral communication skills with a diversity of people and be able to work independently”明确指出讲解员需要具备良好的与不同人群的口头交流能力,并且能够独立工作,这体现了 communicative(善于交流)的特点;“Docents must also be able to spend a majority of the time standing, walking, and/or hiking; be able to tolerate sun, wind, fog, and cold; and be able to carry up to fifteen pounds of interpretive materials for a distance of up to one - fifth mile”说明讲解员需要有较好的体力和耐力,也就是 strong(强壮)。综合来看,讲解员应是 strong and communicative,所以选 D。

第23题 A 文中“To Apply: Please fill out the application form by clicking the button on this page and fill out the required applicant questionnaire.”,其中“clicking the button on this page”(点击页面上的按钮)这种申请方式是网站上常见的操作形式。而杂志、宣传册和报纸通常不会以这种方式引导读者申请,所以文章很可能来自网站。


第24题 B 文中“growing up, Stephanie Laska never worked out... weighing around 300 pounds, that she decided to change her lifestyle.”清晰地表明,Stephanie Laska 小时候不运动,体重达到约 300 磅,所以她决定改变生活方式的原因是为了减轻体重,因此选 B。

第25题 A 原文“Initially, Laska decided to just walk”直接说明 Laska 开始她的运动之旅是从步行开始的,没有其他复杂的运动形式,所以答案是 A。

第26题 A 文中提到“The look on my daughter's face when she saw me running was like she saw Santa Claus... That's when she started taking her one - mile jogs up to a 5 km, 10 km...”,从这里可以看出,女儿看到 Laska 跑步时惊讶的表情给了她很大的触动,使她有动力将跑步距离逐渐增加,所以是她孩子对她跑步的惊讶促使她跑更长距离,答案为 A。

第27题 D 文章详细描述了 Laska 从简单的步行这一小行动开始,逐步发展到能够完成马拉松等长距离跑步,并且在这个过程中不仅体重减轻,还在生活和工作的多个方面都取得了积极的变化。这充分体现了小的行动(如每天步行、逐渐增加跑步距离等)能够带来大的益处(减重、改善生活和工作等),所以作者想传达的是 Small steps, big benefits 的观点,答案为 D。


第28题 B 文中“Bick, an insect scientist, researches ways to better detect the agricultural pests...”表明 Bick 是一位昆虫科学家,她在玉米地的工作是研究如何更好地检测农业害虫,这显然是在安排一项研究工作,所以选 B。

第29题 B 原文“Corn rootworm, also known as the "billion - dollar bug," feeds on corn root, limiting the plant's nutrient supply and making stalks fall over. As a result, 20% of the crop is lost to the insect every year.”详细说明了玉米根虫以玉米根为食,导致植物营养供应受限、茎秆倒伏,每年有 20%的农作物因它受损,这会造成巨大的经济损失,所以它被称为“十亿美元虫”,答案为 B。

第30题 D 根据“When corn rootworm feeds on the root, the vibration translates from the root system to the stalk... That's where we're picking it up.”,这里的逻辑是玉米根虫在根部进食时产生振动,振动从根系传导到茎秆,而研究人员在茎秆处检测到的就是这个振动,所以 it 指代的是 vibration,答案为 D。

第31题 C 文中“Their goal is to advance pest detection - and maybe inspire people to listen to everything a little closer.”表明该研究团队的目标是推进害虫检测技术,并且目前检测方法已经有 80% - 96%的准确率,虽然还在完善数据处理流程,但已经显示出良好的应用前景,所以用 promising(有前途的)来形容昆虫窃听器是恰当的,答案为 C。


第32题 C 文中“if we think too much, there is an opportunity cost - time that we could have spent in a worthwhile activity...”明确指出,如果我们过度思考,就会产生机会成本,这里的机会成本就是指本可以用于有价值活动的时间被浪费在思考上了,所以选 C。

第33题 C 作者提及 David 对体育中过度思考的观察案例,“The philosopher David has write about the role of reflective thinking in sports. One of his observations is that while sportspeople need to think about the basic actions they are performing, it can be counterproductive to start thinking about the elements making up those actions...”,是为了通过体育领域中运动员过度思考会导致表现不佳的实例,来进一步说明在生活中过度思考也会产生类似的问题,即对前文提到的生活中过度反思的危害进行举例论证,所以答案为 C。

第34题 B 文章最后“Perhaps those people who start detailed programs of self - development in various dimensions... are like the footballer thinking through the small muscle movements. Perhaps their well - meaning self - reflection on their own development and how they want to achieve it, is the very thing that will make a high level of development forever unobtainable for them.”通过对比过度思考的人和足球运动员过度思考动作细节的情况,暗示人们不应过度思考,而应像正常运动员一样采取直接行动,所以建议读者采取直接的方法实现目标,答案为 B。

第35题 A 文章开篇提出思考与幸福的关系,接着重点论述了过度思考对个人追求幸福和发展的不利影响,并通过体育等领域的例子进行说明,最后得出应避免过度思考的结论。整个文章围绕过度思考的风险展开,所以 A 选项“The Risk of Overthinking”(过度思考的风险)作为标题最合适。



36-40 GDEAB



第36题 G 第一段为总领全文,主要介绍了会议记录的作用。“meeting minutes”原词重现,出现这个词组的只有E项和G项,而E项通过“but”转折强调会议记录要真实,与第一段明显不合适,G项强调了会议记录在组织中的重要性——作为沟通工具,符合段落开头提到的会议记录的作用,故选G。

第37题 D 根据小标题可知这一段强调的是会议记录应该简明扼要,只需要记录会议的主要点,不需要详细记录每一句话。D选项翻译为“你的创造性的写作技巧必须退居次要地位”,它暗示在编写会议记录时,不需要过多的创造性或修饰,而是应该专注于事实和主要信息。这一题有一定难度,可做完剩余题目时使用排除法来做,剩下只有CDF三项,C项明显是第三段的内容,F项具有强干扰性,F强调的是会议记录应该突出会议中讨论的关键问题,它并没有直接回应“简明”的要求,故选D。

第38题 E 由小标题可知这一段主要强调仅仅记录现实,空白处前一句提到应该避免在编写会议记录时加入个人观察,这意味着记录应该客观、事实性。E强调会议记录应该是讨论内容的事实记录,与前一句的逻辑是连贯的,“but”与前一句写自己的记录可以加入个人的看法相对应,“factual”对应小标题的“fact”,故选E。C项与本段第一句完全一致,文章没有重复的必要,且与前一句不连贯。

第39题 A A项与下一句“With meeting minutes, it’s important to write down who attended the meeting, but also who didn’t”直接相关,强调记录参会者和为参会者名单的重要性,故选A。

第40题 B 根据小标题可知这一段主要介绍了使用模板以获得正确格式。40空前提到在面对不同的场景时需要使用不同的模板,并建议考虑活动的需求和过去的实践,B项“然后改进那个过程”与前一句的逻辑是连贯的,因为它建议在考虑过去的做法的基础上,进一步改进会议记录的编写过程从而形成模板,故选B。



41-45 BCADD

46-50 CABDA

51-55 BACBC



第41题 B 结合上下文,夏季的一天作者头疼,因此想出门呼吸新鲜空气,“step outside”有“走出去、出门”之义,故选择B选项。

第42题 C 结合下文,作者突然昏倒,其救助犬及时相救,这是作者难以预料之事,故选择C选项。

第43题 A 结合下文,作者的救助犬及时相救,可以推测出救助犬忠诚的品质,“devoted”有“忠诚的”的意思,故选择A选项。

第44题 D 结合上下文推测,作者昏倒掉入池塘,“pass out”有“昏倒”之义,故选择D选项。

第45题 D 结合文章,作者恢复意识后发现救助犬正卖力将他拖出水中,“drag”有“拖、拉”之义,故选择D选项。

第46题 C 结合上下文,救助犬拖着作者缓慢地离开水中,但十分坚定,“surely”有“坚定地”之义,故选择C选项。

第47题 A 结合下文,救助犬把作者拖离水塘,拖到屋子里,可以推测出作者已经回到了地面上,“get to one's feet”有“着地”之义,故选择A选项。

第48题 B 结合上下文,作者掉入水中,可以得出救助犬将作者拖离池塘,故选择B选项。

第49题 D 结合上下文,救助犬不遗余力地确保作者的安全,故选择D选项。

第50题 A 作者在拨打救援电话后,医护人员赶来后认为作者只有头部轻微受伤,故选择A选项。

第51题 B 医护人员告诉作者,如果Misty没有行动如此迅速,作者可能已经淹死了,故选择B选项。

第52题 A 无论作者何时在院子里,Misty总是跟着作者,故选择A选项。

第53题 C 结合上下文,这件出乎意料的事成为了作者与救助犬间独一无二的纽带,故选择C选项。

第54题 B 救助犬不遗余力地保护作者让作者十分感激,“appreciation”有“感激、感谢”之义,故选择B选项。

第55题 C 只有少数像作者一样的人可以回答“谁救了谁”这样的问题,因为这个问题拥有重要的个人意义,故选择C选项。



56. contributing

57. to create

58. an

59. provided

60. to

61. complexes

62. less important

63. connected

64. widely

65. which



第57题 to create 本空需要填入一个不定式作为目的状语,表示这些街道布局的目的是为了创造出一个精确的方形图案,因此填 to create。

第62题 less important 本空前后形成对比,提及除了主建筑沿着南北方向布置外,其他建筑则多位于主建筑的东西两侧,这些其他建筑相对而言不如主建筑重要,故填 less important。



Dear Chris,

I am writing to share with you a competition I took part in last week. The school reading club I am in organized a logo design contest, and I submitted my own work.

Here’s my logo. I used a stylized image of a book with a rising sun behind it to demonstrate the club's spirit. The book stands for knowledge, and the sun represents the bright future. The book is open, revealing a world map, which shows our global perspective and passion for leaming about different cultures. I chose a simple yet vibrant color to make it eye-catching and memorable.

The whole experience was exciting! Not only did I contribute to our club but I showcased my creativity. I feel proud to have taken part and hope that my design will be awarded a prize. I will keep you updated with the result, and I'm so glad I could share this with you.


Li Hua


He rushed to Francis, excited to tell him his plan. “Francis, you can use my skates in the race tomorrow!” Andy yelled, eyes shining with hope. Francis hesitated. Noticing that, Andy explained that having him on their team would not only boost their chances of winning but also help him make more friends. Eventually, Francis put on the roller-skates and skated around, his talent instantly impressing the captain who was nearby. Struck by Francis’excellent skills, the captain agreed to include the new boy. At that moment, Andy felt a touch of emptiness for giving up his own chance, but a surge of excitement for the plan as well.

The next day, the race began as scheduled. Francis,wearing Andy's skates, stood at the starting line, looking determined, while Andy, from the sidelines, felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The race was intense, but Francis’excellent skating skills helped the Sunnysiders finally win the race. Once the race was finished, Francis, now part of the team, skated over to Andy with the others. Together, they lifted Andy onto their shoulders, celebrating not just the victory but also the newfound friendships. Cheers filled the air, and Andy experienced a swell of pride and a profound sense of accomplishment for the success of his friend and the team.

