
Hotel Recommendation [PDF]

Hotel (Stars) Hotel information (service charge included in the room rate)
Address:深圳市宝安区展丰路80号 (Distance from Shenzhen World:420m)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 7mins | 3mins
Superior Room:¥900(1 breakfast)
Superior Twin Room:¥950(2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)
Address:廣東深圳福海街道寶安大道6259號 (Distance from Shenzhen World:5.3km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 20mins
Superior Room:¥730(1 breakfast)
Superior Twin Room:¥780(2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)
Address:寶安區寶安國際機場地面交通中心(GTC)16號出口 (Distance from Shenzhen World:16.8km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 15mins
Standard Queen Room:¥700 (1 breakfast)
Standard Twin Room:¥750 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)
Address:沙井街道民主大道與錦程中路西交匯處 (Distance from Shenzhen World:5.2km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 18mins
Superior Room:¥538 (1 breakfast)
Superior Twin Room:¥538 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:寶安區福海街道展城社區福園二路聯和工業園B3棟B4棟B5棟 (Distance from Shenzhen World:930米)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 15mins
King Bed Room:¥458 (1 breakfast)
Double-Bed Room:¥458 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)
Address:深圳福海街道福園一路38號 (Distance from Shenzhen World:2.5km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 8mins
Deluxe King Room:¥438 (1 breakfast)
Deluxe Twin Room:¥438 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:寶安區沙井街道興業西路 2 號雅迪大廈 (Distance from Shenzhen World:3.7km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 14mins
King Bed Room:¥388 (1 breakfast)
Double-Bed Room:¥388 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:深圳市寶安區福永塘尾永福路254號 (Distance from Shenzhen World:3.8km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 14mins
Superior Room:¥388 (1 breakfast)
Superior Twin Room:¥388 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)
Adress:中國廣東省深圳市寶安區大道與福洲大道交界處 (Distance from Shenzhen World:3.8km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 14mins
Superior Room:¥388 (1 breakfast)
Superior Twin Room:¥388 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:寶安區蠔業路與永和路交匯處 (Distance from Shenzhen World:3.5km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 14mins
Deluxe King Room:¥368 (1 breakfast)
Deluxe Twin Room:¥368 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:寶安區福永街道橋頭社區美希工業園 8 棟二號 (Distance from Shenzhen World:4.5km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 18mins
King Bed Room:¥338 (1 breakfast)
Double-Bed Room:¥338 (2 breakfast)
Included services
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:寶安區沙井街道大王山工業二路 1 號 (Distance from Shenzhen World:2.3km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 8mins
King Bed Room:¥288 (1 breakfast)
Double-Bed Room:¥288 (2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)

Address:寶安區沙井街道錦程路 118 號佳利 D 棟 (Distance from Shenzhen World:4.1km)
Distance from Shenzhen World: 15mins
King Bed Room:¥248 (simple 1 breakfast)
Double-Bed Room:¥248 (simple 2 breakfast)
Included services
Shuttle bus (⇄ Shenzhen World)
VIP airport center service: free check-in
Free luggage storage (Shenzhen World)
Free package collection service (hotels & Shenzhen World)


*(1) 上列價格已包含 15%服務費及稅項、含展期酒店至展館早接晚送往返巴士車費,所有費用將以人民幣結算;

*(2) 預付價即是提前付款給我社,閣下需預付 100%房費之價格作為房間擔保,未付預付款的房間將不能預留;

*(3) 如需預訂深圳其他酒店,請與大會指定接待商聯絡。




*酒店價格:如含接駁車,價格不會高於攜程 20 元;如不含車,可以保證不高於攜程價格。



1.) Traditional booking: telephone, email and fax
Service Hotline①:+86-755-8288 0090 (Mr. Lee)
Service Hotline②:+86-755-8288 0055 (Miss Wong)
Mobile phone/ WeChat ID:17722570869(Miss Wong)/18126464213(Mr. Lee)
2.) Online Booking
Online booking website:Click Here>> >>
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