2025 年 3 月 31 日至 4 月 4 日,全球工业领域的顶级盛会 —— 汉诺威工业博览会在德国盛大举行。作为全球工业贸易领域的旗舰展,这里汇聚了来自世界各地的顶尖企业,展示着前沿的技术与创新成果。在这场科技盛宴中,优耐特斯携多款创新节能产品惊艳亮相,向世界展示中国企业在压缩机技术领域的卓越成就与无限可能。
From March 31 to April 4, 2025, the Hannover Messe, the world's leading event for industry, will be held in Germany. As the flagship exhibition of global industrial trade, it gathers top enterprises from all over the world, displaying advanced technologies and innovations. In this technological feast, UNITED OSD makes a stunning debut with a variety of innovative and energy-saving products, showing the world the outstanding achievements and unlimited possibilities of Chinese enterprises in the field of compressor technology.

时间 (Time)
March 31-April 4, 2025

地点 (Point)
德国 汉诺威市 汉诺威展览中心
Hannover Messe, Hannover, Germany

展馆 (Exhibition Halls)
Hall 12 - A40

At the exhibition, UNITED OSD will show the star product, the two-stage compression screw air compressor UDT200A-8B, which is well known in the industry for its excellent performance and great energy-saving efficiency.
UNITED OSD VPM Series Permanent Magnet Frequency Conversion Air Compressor Brings Energy Saving Dividend
Average energy saving is 50% when gas consumption fluctuates drastically (10%-100%);
UNITED OSD PLC intelligent control system adjusts infinitely by collecting real-time gas consumption pipe network pressure fluctuation signal;
The speed of the host machine, the gas controlling the gas supply perfectly matches the user's gas consumption working condition, avoiding the waste of unloading and emptying;
No start peak current due to frequency conversion start and stop, power supply system is safer due to soft start and soft stop,
Pressure fluctuation of pipeline network is within 0.1bar, stable gas consumption system;
VPM permanent magnet frequency conversion technology, deepening the customer's demand for gas consumption volume changes, and maximizing energy saving.
UNITED OSD self-developed air end
UNITED OSD two-stage compression air end is based on the fifth generation rotor profile;
5% increase in volumetric efficiency and 7% increase in adiabatic efficiency;
Lower rotational speed, less vibration, energy-saving and quiet;
Finely processed gear, strong drive, effective transmission;
Optimized internal oil injection runner design, cooling medium is almost lossless passage, smoother oil supply;
Inter-stage controllable oil injection design, precisely control of intake gas temperature for second stage, closer to the isothermal compression, energy-saving efficiency is higher.

From March 31st to April 4th, 2025, Hannover Messe, Germany, UNITED OSD sincerely invites you to visit our booth and witness this feast of technology and innovation with us.

乘风破浪,势启新章 | 2025年优耐特斯经销商会议圆满落幕